It is official! Jeanine is a "rock star"!
I just got back from Jeanine's bedside and that is what the chemo nurse was telling her. The Oncologist has always said that 10 treatments are their preferred minimum with 14 being ideal. The nurse told us that most people cannot make it past 9. Jeanine has passed that benchmark. I left as she was preparing to receive #10. They have not had to postpone any of her treatments, so she is right on schedule and if all goes well she will finish her treatments about 1 am on Monday morning.
Her blood pressure remains stable. Her chills are less severe as they treat her with the Demerol. Her nausea is not too bad. Her biggest issue is just plain tiredness. She dozes most of the time being awake only when she is close to her chemo treatment. At that point, she will try to walk the halls or take a shower in preparation for the weakness to return full force.
She is also having a hard time eating. Her throat is very dry and the foods that she enjoys such as orange juice are just too acidic for her throat. In the last few days, I have only seen her eat a child's handful of food. She continues to sip water which is helping a great deal. She is also starting to swell a little. This is a major side effect of the treatment and one that they watch carefully.
She heard about the ward fast and is very appreciative. Family, let's join in!
Wow, Betsy, I had no idea. Jeanine is a rock star, for sure. Please give her our love and concern. She is in our prayers.