Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day #4 - evening

It seems that Jeanine's body adds a new twist to her cancer treatment each time she has one. At the 1 am treatment this morning, it seemed that all was going like it had before so I left about 4 am to get some rest. At 5:30, she added puking to the list of side effects. She was nauseated this afternoon also and even though she got nausea medicine, she still ended up throwing up. Sorry Linda!

She had another treatment at 9:00 am. This time she wasn't just cold, she had the shakes and ended up taking meds for that and adding it to the scheduled meds to help her through this treatment.

Even so, she tells me that it is still manageable and even though she hates the side effects, she is keeping her eyes on the goal. The Oncologist came in tonight and said that her body seems to be handling it as well as can be expected and she will stay on her schedule of every 8 hours unless something changes.

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